Sunday, April 11, 2010

Andrew Taylor and Sarah Turkstra Win Rubric Award

On Friday, April 9, 2010, at the WMU Research Day celebration, the University Assessment Steering Committee announced the winner of a rubric competition that involved teams of master's degree students from across campus. For the last few months, student teams worked to develop a set of criteria that will be used to judge the new UASC Assessment Award, an honor designed to recognize the assessment related activites of WMU graduate students.

The winning team was comprised of our own Andrew Taylor, a master's degree student specializing in literature, and Sarah Turkstra, a MBA student in the Haworth College of Business. In addition to the honor of having their rubric selected out of a large pool of entries, Andrew and Sarah will share a $1,000 prize.

Congratulations to Andrew and Sarah, as well as to all of the master's degree students who participated in the competition. As a reminder, graduate students across campus will be eligible to compete for the new assessment award beginning in the 2010-2011 academic year.

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