Friday, December 9, 2011

INQUIRE invites submissions (especially from grad students)

Inquire invites article submissions for its fourth issue, scheduled for publication in the summer of 2012. Please refer to the website for submission guidelines and suggested topics of interest: An abridged call for papers is included below.

Thank you,

Gabrielle Kristjanson, Editor
Inquire: Journal of Comparative Literature

Call for Papers: Inquire: Journal of Comparative Literature

Literary Violence

Inquire invites article submissions that consider the relationship between literature and violence.The representation of violence in literature is commonplace and complex, occurring by various means (e.g., physical, psychological), in many forms, across all literary traditions, past and present. Literature can expose, challenge or oppose violent conditions, yet literature can also fall victim to violence, arising from internal (e.g., institutional) or external (e.g., political, economic) forces. In focussing this issue on violence (understood broadly as the exercise or exhibition of force, including any act of oppression, intimidation or unwanted control by individuals or groups, for whatever purpose), Inquire seeks to provide a forum for the investigation of tensions—private and public, regional and global—that speak to the cultural and historical production of identity and community.

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2012.

Inquire is an international, peer-reviewed journal of comparative literature based at the University of Alberta. Inquiries and submissions can be sent to

Inquire particularly seeks graduate student contributions. Also, if you would like to write a book review on the same topic, you can contact:

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