Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Medieval Drama at MLA!

Eve Salisbury is scheduled to preside over a session organized by the Division on Middle English Language and Literature, Excluding Chaucer at the 127th Annual MLA Convention in Seattle, to be held January 5-8, 2012. Entitled Medieval Drama and Performative Theology, the Sunday morning panel (#680 in the program) includes:

1. “Performing Christians Performing Jews,” Sylvia Tomasch, Hunter College, City University of New York

2. “‘The Word Made Flesh’: A Barfieldian Analysis of Ritual Creation in the York Cycle,” Jefferey H. Taylor, Metropolitan State College of Denver

3. “Performing Justice: Law and Theology in the York Plays,” Emma E. Lipton, University of Missouri, Columbia

4. “‘Be Ye Thus Trowing’: Medieval Drama and Make-Believe,” Garrett P. J. Epp, University of Alberta

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