Thursday, February 5, 2009

Essay contest: the future of world civilization

This in from Jeffrey Angles, Foreign Languages: "The university is hosting a competition for outstanding student essays about the future of world civilization. There will be monetary prizes for the three top papers from each college. The deadline for submissions is March 31. Students in the College of Arts and Sciences should submit to my mailbox (4th Floor, Sprau Tower).
If you, a friend, or a student, is doing a paper on global issues for a class, I encourage you to consider submitting it to this competition. Possible subjects include addressing poverty, population demographics, epidemics, public health deficiencies, economic turmoil, global economic growth/chaos, societal breakdown, climate change, ecological degradation, depletion of natural resources, political destabilization, linguistic isolation, terrorism and warfare, war and peace, and exploring historic precedent."


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