Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Issues Best Seller

Please, the debut collection of poems by Jericho Brown, sold out in less than four months. With another 1,000 copies just delivered from the printer, we can once again fill orders. It appears as if the demand for the book continues to grow. Make sure to catch his reading here at WMU, along with New Issues poet Patty Seyburn, on April 2.

The reviews:
NewPages.com - "Brown is particularly adept at exposing the duplicity inherent in both experience and language."
Oranges & Sardines, Spring 2009 - "The title implores, requests, and gratifies. It is a 'please that sounds like music.'"
Mark Doty - "One of the things I admire about this book is how boldly it steps into the difficult double territory of being black and gay, without resorting to any kind of familiar certainties about either."
Corduroy Books - "The thing is, reading this book, you will make noise. You’ll say yes and you’ll maybe hum and you’ll whisper to yourself. ... Seriously. Everybody should be reading Jericho Brown."
Immunization Against Invisibility - "The poems in Jericho Brown's Please hit you right away and make you say, "Wow," make you pause, make you close the book to take a break to recuperate from the blow. Please is a strong book of poems -- strong like a man's fist, strong like love, strong like music."

Read more about Jericho Brown's Please.

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